Forte Dynamics provides in-house automation design to allow a direct link with our dynamics modeling and process teams, which allows optimization from a study to be executed in your process plant.
We have added an E&IC group to our engineering team to bring the optimized project provided by the Forte Dynamics Process Team. We have also added Automation Services for our clients in a world that has seen an accelerated need due to the pandemic.
Forte Dynamics's Electrical Team works closely with you to bring the latest and greatest power distribution system to meet your needs.
What we provide:
Power System Analysis:
Load Calculations
Arc-Flash Studies
Protective Device Coordination
Power Factor Correction
Short Circuit Studies

One-Line Diagram & Three-Line Diagrams
Equipment Specification, Evaluation & Selection
Power Distribution Center
Motor Control Centers
Variable Frequency Drives
Factory Acceptance Test, Start-up & Commissioning

Forte Dynamic's Automation Team works closely with our process team and our clients to provide the turn-key solution for your Process Control System.
Control Panel Layout
Input-Output (I/O) Wiring Diagrams
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Programming
What we provide:

Wireless Radio Networking
Human Machine Interface (HMI) Configurations
Graphic Displays
Historical Data Collection
Trending & Reports
Factory Acceptance Test, Start-Up, Commissioning, and Operator's Training